Friday, November 23, 2018

My Favorite Hairstylists// Youtubers

Hello, Gorgeous!
 I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving, filled with good food, fellowship, and family time. (I know I did! <3)

In my last post, I asked which subject I should do next, and you chose my favorite Youtubers, so here we go:

Kayley Melissa
 I really enjoy this woman's channel, because of her happy attitude and how she has a lot of easy videos for unskilled girls such as myself.
Strange as it may sound, I also enjoy watching her videos because she isn't a stick-thin supermodel with perfect skin that leaves me feeling insecure and fat.
 She's just an average woman with a sweet aura, who has a clear way of telling you how to do a style. Also, for you short-haired girls, she has videos for you, too!

Missy Sue
Now her's, although I do like watching, is mainly for people with thick hair, something I no longer have, so I don't watch her channel as often.
She does do beautiful, simple styles, though! I just wish I could get my hair to do what she does. lol

Lilith Moon
 I have been watching this woman's videos for years, back when her audio wasn't superb and her hair was short and coarse.. since maybe 2013? (She used castor oil to regrow her hair back, healthier and softer. It's actually much longer now. The video below is from 2016)
 I recall many a day when my sisters and I would gather around the laptop for hours, trying to find the perfect style for the upcoming wedding.
 Her soft Russian accent never fails to give me a wave of nostalgia, and makes me remember back to the times when things were so much simpler. <3

I actually did this style on Thanksgiving Day (no extensions, of course.) Super easy!

I have watched other youtubers, of course, but not enough to recommend another channel, so that's it for now! 
 Let me know your thoughts, girls! <3 I'll see you again, soon. 

Remember, you're the daughter of a King. You're a princess, you're beautiful and you're loved.